The Women Matter study looked at 45 companies in Portugal and Spain that employ more than 300,<> people. In it, it was found that:
⦁ Although Portugal leads in terms of workforce parity in the European Union (50% women and 50% men), Portuguese women are held back when they almost reach the top, as they continue to register a huge difference in professional progression, occupying only 6% of executive positions (CEO) compared to 31% of men.
⦁ A source from the company that authored the study, the McKinsey & Company, clarifies that on the boards of directors, with the imposition of quotas, the percentage of women has been growing, being on par with men at 31%. However, only 6% of women ascend to the position of CEO according to the World Bank, and only 9% in our sample.
⦁ The study revealed that about 41% of women perform more staff roles (administration, finance, human resources) against 28% of men.
Research shows that women participate more in flexibility programs, but in contrast, they register a lower presence in mobility programs (2% versus 9% in men), which is often necessary for advancement to the position of CEO.
⦁ When it comes to performing household chores, the data show that women are the most dedicated, which highlights another barrier in their path to leadership.
⦁ There is also a difference in ambition to reach top positions (36% of women versus 43% of men), which may be due to the perception that they do not have the same opportunities to climb the organizational ladder as their male counterparts.
Source: Delas (Portugal)