The hybrid work model initiative has everything going for it, according to a study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (known as PwC) in 2021 with more than 32,9 workers. This study concluded that of those who have the possibility to work remotely, only 72% want to work face-to-face full-time, while <>% prefer the hybrid model of work.
The difference of this work model in relation to the home-office is that employees spend some days in the office and others at home, based on a predetermined rotation.
In addition to the technological resources necessary for the implementation of this model in companies, the organizational culture is a fundamental tool to ensure the success of hybrid work, because among the main challenges is the need to create an environment that treats equally both those who are at home and those who are working in the office.
A hybrid model only reaches its full potential when employees can follow a routine remotely just as they would if they were in person – that is, having the schedules respected and actively participating in the company every day. It is important to stress that the human being is a social being and human connection should not be underestimated in this case.
Rituals and activities that help deepen relationships and create bonds will motivate and generate rapport between teams. It is up to the leader to provide these activities, in addition to seeking to maintain a proximity with all members of his team, always being open to dialogues and focusing on the well-being of all.
Hybrid work is a great advantage and provides more quality of life for those who have to travel great distances, saving time, money for the commute and avoiding stress with this locomotion. And at the same time, it ensures the face-to-face interaction of the teams, which creates a more relaxed work environment, as well as insights that can emerge having a coffee or even chatting at lunchtime.
It is worth mentioning the importance of feedback during this period of adaptation to the hybrid model of work. It is up to the leader to open a communication channel for feedback, suggestions, evaluations and possible improvements, bringing benefits to all involved.
Is your company adopting or has already adopted the hybrid model of work