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Writer's pictureVinícius David

The post-pandemic future of work

Jobs with higher levels of physical proximity tend to undergo further transformation after the pandemic, triggering knock-on effects in other areas of work as business models change in response.

A very present example in our day-to-day is in relation to the work that deals directly with the client, which are the cases of hotels, restaurants, airports, entertainment venues, physical retail stores, banks and post offices. This work requires on-site presence, with this, there has been a greater migration to e-commerce platforms or even intensified the already existing digital presence of many businesses, causing the customer/consumer to have a change in behavior.

Another example would be in the leisure and travel sector, where there is a direct interaction with customers in hotels, restaurants, airports and entertainment venues. In the long run, the shift to remote work and the reduction related to business travel, as well as the automation of some occupations, such as food service functions, may reduce the demand for work in this area.

In the office work area are included administrative work areas in hospitals, in large corporations, courts and other public offices and factories in general. In this case there is a moderate interaction between people, so the remote work model was and is still being widely used, in addition to the hybrid model applied and also automations in many processes that were previously performed manually.

In the case of business meetings, the virtual meeting model has been implemented causing a reduction in business travel. This would have significant effects on employment in the commercial aerospace, airport, hospitality and food service sectors. E-commerce and other virtual operations are also growing.

Some jobs have been identified that can technically be done remotely, but are best done in person, they are: negotiations, critical business decisions, brainstorming sessions, providing sensitive feedback and onboarding new employees.

Other types of virtual operations such as telemedicine, online banking and streaming entertainment have also taken off during the pandemic. This shift has driven growth in the delivery, transportation, and logistics sectors.

Source: Mckinsey

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